Take a glance of our CAD design portfolios here!

Plastic Tray Design
Moldable Plastic Tray Design by using CAD software Solidworks 2020 and Rendered by Keyshot 8.0

Plastic Food Tray
Moldable Plastic Food Tray Design by using CAD software Solidworks 2020 and Rendered by Keyshot 8.0

Plastic Drum Design
Moldable Plastic Drum Design by using CAD software Solidworks 2020 and Rendered by Keyshot 8.0

Plastic Tool Design
Injection Moldable Plastic Tool Design by using CAD software Solidworks 2020 and Rendered by Keyshot 8.0

Plastic Bottle Design
Blow Molding Plastic Bottle Design by using CAD software Solidworks 2020 and Rendered by Keyshot 8.0

Glass Tray Design
Manufacturable Glass Tray Design by using CAD software Solidworks 2020 and Rendered by Keyshot 8.0

LED Bulb Design
Mold-able LED Bulb Design by using CAD software Solidworks 2020 and Rendered by Keyshot 8.0

Plastic Basket
Injection mold-able Plastic Basket Design by using CAD software Solidworks 2020 and Rendered by Keyshot 8.0

Melamine Cup Design
Melamine Cup Design by using CAD software Solidworks 2016

Plastic Dustpan
Injection mold-able Plastic Dustpan Design by using CAD software Solidworks 2016

Plastic Basket
Injection mold-able Plastic Basket Design by using CAD software Solidworks 2016

TV Remote Controller Design
Remote Controller Design for LED TV by using CAD software Solidworks 2016
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